kumar snehansu

16 Articles

Online Resources and Tools for Elementary School Teachers

Excerpt from an interview with an anonymous elementary teacher: “So, recently the

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How to Bring Innovation, Education and Technology Together to Help Children Learn Better

In other words, can innovation, education and technology be the ingredients for

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Amazing Apps for Lifelong Learners

 “The second you are not learning is the second you die.” Lifelong

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What Students Should Know About 21st Century Learning?

Learning is an evolving process. As times change, industry changes, requirements of

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Why is edX An Innovative MOOC Platform?

One can be sure of the uniqueness when there are names like

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Why Schools Should Adopt and Implement Technology

Many school administrators have this question: Why should schools adopt and implement

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Important Do’s and Don’ts for Social Media in Education

Social media has become a part of the lives of the youth.

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Best Technological Ways to Increase Engagement in Classroom

“Why do we need a change in classroom practices”? Hearing the phrase

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Technology Increases Productivity for Students and Teachers

A very raw definition of productivity says, ratio of outputs to inputs.

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EdTech Does Not Replace Teachers But Helps Them in Classroom

Not long ago, when the first human robot was built there was

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How is a 21st Century Kindergarten Classroom Like?

“A 15-year-old who broke into over 250 websites.” “A 14-year-old broke into

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Power of Social media in Education

The words “Social media” is enough to bring upon a smile on

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Impact of Digital Games on Student Learning

How will you feel if I say that the digital game you

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Why Teachers Who Use Technology Will Replace Teachers Who Don’t?

Imagine two scenarios, first teacher enters into the class, pushes a remote

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Using Technology in Elementary Education

Yesterday while surfing on the internet, I came across a blog. This

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